The first question to ask is 'When should you water your plants?' The answer can vary depending on the plant. Some plants prefer water in the morning while others require it in the evening. In any case you need to water your plants regularly no matter what the season is. Some plants require water at soil level while others do not. The type of soil will also influence the frequency of watering. Soil that is more porous than others needs more frequent watering than those that are clayey.
For the best results water plants in the morning before 10am. Watering in the afternoon will waste water as it will evaporate before reaching the soil. Morning watering is especially beneficial for plants that are in pots as the water will be absorbed by the roots over the night. The sun's high temperature will also burn the leaves of your plants. Watering in the morning will keep your plants healthy and happy for many months to come.
There are many benefits to watering your plants in the morning. First it will provide more water to the roots throughout the day. Also the water will not be evaporated by the time you reach the plant's leaves. Secondly the water will be more readily absorbed by the roots of the plants. It is also better for plants with faster growth and metabolisms because morning watering will ensure that they will have the right amount of water.
Watering plants in the morning also allows the roots to receive a deep soaking thus lessening the stress on the plants. This is especially beneficial for annuals which are primarily made up of shallow roots and will suffer if the top two to three inches of soil are dried out. In addition morning watering also allows the leaves of plants to dry out making it difficult for plant diseases to get a foothold.
Watering your plants in the morning is also good for houseplants. Because plants absorb moisture faster in the morning watering them in the morning can help them stay healthy all day. If you cannot water them during the day you should at least move them away from direct sunlight. However our modern lifestyles make it harder to water our plants in the morning. Besides it may even seem like a chore! But don't be discouraged!
When watering your plants it is important to remember that not all plants need the same amount of water. Many common houseplants come from tropical areas so they require more water than others. Succulents and desert houseplants on the other hand require far less water than most other types of plants. For best results water them at soil level until the root ball is completely soaked. Watering at soil level is the best approach if you want to encourage deep root development.
You may notice that your soil is not as moist as you think. This is because moisture is not evenly distributed. In addition you'll notice a noticeable difference between wet and dry soil. You can use a soil moisture indicator to determine whether you need to water more or less. When watering your plants at soil level use a hose to mist the entire surface to avoid wasting water on areas that don't need it.
To determine whether your soil is sufficiently moist insert your finger into the soil. Press it down at least two inches. The finger should not get stuck in the soil. If it does remove it and wait a few minutes. If there's any residue your soil is still too wet. It's important to water your plants at soil level to avoid soil-borne diseases and insect infestations. The moisture probe will also provide information on the pH levels of the soil.
If you're growing plants in pots or containers you must also keep in mind that the soil dries from the top to the bottom. Some plants only require water when the top inch dries while others may need water whenever they feel dry. If you have questions you can always consult your plant care guide. However do not overwater your plants as this will damage the roots resulting in the demise of your house plant.
If you're growing your garden in full sunlight you'll need to know when to water your plants. When it's too hot outside plants bake! Water them at least once a week to keep them hydrated. If you don't see any visible changes you might want to try watering them more frequently. If you're growing in a pot move them into the shade or water them a few times each day.
You may have heard the old horticultural advice about not watering your plants in the sun. The truth is that this advice is based on nothing but myth. The water droplets don't magnify sunlight nor do they conduct heat. So watering your plants during the day is fine - as long as you water them correctly. Just be sure to do it early in the morning or late in the evening.
When watering your outdoor plants make sure that you water in the early morning. Watering during the morning makes the water available to your plants throughout the day and prevents scorching. Most places on earth don't receive intense sunlight so water droplets evaporate in heat before they can focus the sun. This is why watering in the morning is best for your plants. Then water them again in the evening. This will allow the water droplets to soak into the soil.
There are several important factors to consider when watering your plants in winter. For most plants watering should be performed in six to eight inches of soil depth. This will ensure that the soil has adequate moisture for most of the plant's roots. For shrubs trees and newly established lawns you can use sprinklers or soaking hoses to get the job done. However if you live in an area where winter temperatures can cause dehydration you should make additional efforts to water these plants in winter.
You should always water your plants in winter but the frequency of watering depends on the time of year. During early winter you should water your plants more often than during later winter. For example in November and March you might need to water your plants twice a month. In areas with strong sunlight or sandy soil you may need to water your plants more frequently. During the deepest winter you might not need to water them more than once a month. In these cases you may even need to water them twice a month.
If you are not sure about when to water your plants consider watering them during the early morning hours. The soil is a heat trap so watering plants in the morning will prevent winter damage to their roots. In the winter you can also consider using a cover to protect your plants from the cold. A sheltered area under a warm roof will prevent your plants from losing water. This will also reduce the risk of winter drought as the ground will remain slightly warmer.
The best way to water your plants in spring is with spring water. It is a natural source of nutrients for your plants. However you should be careful when using this source of water since it may contain harmful contaminants. Spring water is best when it contains no contaminants. It is advisable to check the water quality before using it to water your plants. You can also get spring water from local municipalities for a cheap price. Some plants like water from wells because the water is acidic and contains nutrients that your plants need.
The best way to water your plants is to give them a good drink of cool water. Hot water will scald the foliage. Instead use a handheld hose with light spray settings. You can also install sprinkler systems for larger areas. Make sure that you check the amount of water you are applying before watering. For best results water in the mornings. This time will ensure that your plants get a good supply of water.
As the weather turns warmer and the days get longer it's time to start thinking about your outdoor landscape. A lush lawn is a must so consider planting new flowers and shrubs to add color and texture. Potted plants in particular need more water than their ground-based counterparts. Ideally you should water them once per day or a few times a week or when the soil in their pots dries. Be sure not to overwater your plants though.
When watering your plants in spring check the soil. Wet soil is dark brown or black. Dry soil is lighter. This means that your plants may be thirsty and need more water. In addition it is advisable to water your plants regularly in the spring because the soil is cooler in the evening. For best results it's best to check your plants twice a day. Moreover watering them too early can harm the roots and leave them thirsty.